Thursday, April 25, 2013

Earth Care article for the May issue of Westminster Ways:

From the CHPC Earth Care Team:

Movie night:  The Earth Care Team is embarking on a new series of presentations to help keep us informed about environmental issues. The first movie will be on Friday, May 24 at 7:30 pm. A movie for children will also be shown. Refreshments, fellowship, and discussion will be provided. Please plan to join us.
KIPL membership: The session recently approved our church as a member of Kentucky Interfaith Power and Light (KIPL). KIPL’s motto is “making the connection between theology and ecology”. KIPL is a network of more than 61 religious communities in Kentuckiana that have pledged to protect God’s creation through education, energy conservation, and activism.
Better Space windows: The Better Space effort is designed to renovate, remodel, and upgrade the church’s physical plant.  One aspect having significant environmental importance is the work on our windows. The stained glass windows in the sanctuary are being refurbished and a second layer of glass added to make them more air-tight. Many of the windows in the back building have been replaced with energy efficient double-paned windows. In addition to decreasing the amount of utility bills, these new windows have made the rooms much more appealing as meeting spaces.    
Earth Care Team Meeting: The next meeting of the Earth Care Team will be Sunday, May 5 at 9:45 am. Anyone interested in environmental issues is welcome to join us.