The Earth Care Team agreed on the following plan of action.
1. The team will be commissioned by Jane at an upcoming worship service.
2. Communication to the congregation will be in several forms.
a. Periodic brief notes in the bulletin (weekly, monthly, etc.)
b. Monthly article for Westminster Ways to be titled Earth Care Tips. The first article deadline is Nov. 15 for the December issue. These articles could have both issues of local interest such as Christmas gift suggestions (e.g., donating a motion sensor to turn off church lights when not in use) as well as links to national environmental efforts (e.g.,
c. Electronic form such as this blog which could be linked to the church website and/or Facebook page.
3. Worship services. Every two months we plan to hold a service focused at least in part on environmental issues. Tentative schedule:
a. December, 2012 an Eco justice collective service organized/led by Rebecca Barnes-Davies.
b. February 10, 2013 is set
as a Preach-In for Global Warming. Trisha Tull, who has received the climate change training by Al Gore's group, will do a Food for Thought presentation and perhaps deliver the sermon.
c. April, 2013 a service related to Earth Day.
Nov. 6, 2012
When the church has been approved as an Earth Care Congregation:
1. On the church website at the bottom of the front page: place the logo for Earth Care Congregations beside the other logos.;
2. Add a page for Earth Care (perhaps under mission?)
3. Formally announce this fact to the congregation.
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